Ignatian Resources

A bibliography of Ignatian resources for student, faculty, and staff of the university

Key Jesuit Values

Cura Personalis (Care for the Person) 

Latin phrase meaning "care for the person", cura personalis is having concern and care for the personal development of the whole person. This implies a dedication to promoting human dignity and care for the mind, body and spirit of the person.

Learn more...

Kovlenbach S.J., P. (2007). Cura Personalis. Review of Ignatian Spirituality, 38(14), pp. 9-17.   


Latin meaning the “more,” magis embodies the act of discerning the greater good in a given situation to better glorify or serve God. Magis does NOT mean to always do or give “more” to the point of exhaustion. Magis is the value of striving for the better, striving for excellence.

Learn more...

Geger S.J., B. (2012). What Magis really means and why it matters. Jesuit Higher Education, 1(2), pp. 16-31.

Men and Women For and With Others

This value embodies a spirit of giving and providing service to those in need and standing with the poor and marginalized. We are encouraged to pursue justice on behalf of all persons.

Learn more...

Arrupe S.J., P. (1973). Men and women for others. Retrieved from https://onlineministries.creighton.edu/CollaborativeMinistry/men-for-others.html

Unity of Mind and Hearts

Our hearts and minds are not divided; they are congruent when the whole person is educated and engaged. This speaks to the diversity of people who go forth to set the world on fire with the Ignatian mission all across the world.

Learn more...

Quinn, K. P. (2016). Teaching that transforms: the distinctive heart of Jesuit higher education. America, 214(16), pp. 15–19.

Contemplatives in Action

Although we are thoughtful and philosophical, we do not merely think about social problems, we take action to address them. Developing the habit of reflection centers and strengthens one's spiritual life and guides our actions.

Learn more...

Otto, A. (n.d.). Contemplatives in action. Retrieved from https://www.ignatianspirituality.com/contemplatives-in-action/

Finding God in All Things

This may be the one phrase that sums up Ignatian Spirituality. It invites a person to search for and find God in every circumstance of life; God is present everywhere and can be found in all of creation.

Learn more...

Fitzgibbons S.J., J. (2012). Finding God in al things...and back home. Jesuit Higher Education, 1(1), pp. 12-15.


Definitions sourced from: https://www.regis.edu/about/jesuit-education/key-jesuit-values

Scope and Intent


My name is Fr. Pat Quinn, S.J. Many will ask “Where do I start?” when they are hoping to learn about the Jesuits or the Mission of Regis.  Well, where do we usually start researching when we are at a University—at the Library.  So I thought, with the help of the Librarians, to list some of the great resources available.  Ergo, this Library Resource Guide to Ignatian Resources.

This guide is intended for those who are “new” to the Jesuit education scene, those just learning about Ignatius and about Ignatian Spirituality.  When you start clicking your way through the material, you will discover that there is a great richness in content and perspective coming from our 30 colleges and universities (U.S. and Canada), 50+ parishes, 80+ pre-secondary and secondary schools, 24 retreat centers, magazines and publishing houses.  Googling alone does not work.  Why not?  Although there are some great resources available, there are some websites and blogs that seem more interested in sowing disinformation and division than truth and understanding.  As with all online research, one has to evaluate their sources for integrity and accuracy.  If you have the time, one of the richest videos pertaining to Jesuit Higher Education and Ignatian Pedagogy was produced by John Carroll University and Fairfield University.  Note that the video is 55 minutes in length and requires your attention.

Thank you for taking an interest in the Jesuits, Ignatius, Jesuit Education and Ignatian Spirituality.

Patrick Quinn, SJ