Elinor Miller Greenberg Papers

Elinor Miller Greenberg Papers


Historical Note   

   Elinor Miller Greenberg was an educator who pioneered and developed adult education and experiential learning programs in the state of Colorado. She began her work in the 1970s with addressing the educational needs of diverse, non-traditional adult learners that were brought into the workforce as a result of the Civil Rights Movement, the Women’s Movement, and the Vietnam War.

   Since 1979, Greenberg created and consulted with a wide variety of both state agencies and committees, private corporations, and educational institutions. In 1991, she founded her own consulting and publishing firm, EMG and Associates.

   In addition to designing and implementing innovative programs, Greenberg trained other educators to reach non-traditional adult learners who were at various developmental states and who used a variety of learning styles. Much of her work promoted effective learning based on the work of William G. Perry Jr., whose scheme Greenberg adapted for use in adult program design and evaluation. Greenberg also addressed the practical application of how learning translates into areas of leadership in businesses and the community. In the early 1990s, she promoted interactive distance learning through video and online course delivery, such as the first online Master’s degree programs for nurses in Colorado and Wyoming.

   The Elinor Miller Greenberg collection documents the work of educator Elinor Miller Greenberg from 1971 to 2006.

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