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RCC 200 Board Game Design Guide: Library Resources


Library Board Game Collection

The library board game collection is intended to eventually serve members of the campus community in both an educational and recreational capacity.  While not currently currently available for general borrowing, students in the RCC 200 Board Game Design Course will be permitted to use games in the library on a reserve basis. Advance notice is highly recommended; availability may be limited to standard reference hours. 

You can access a list of the available titles here.

Schedule a research consultation session with librarian Neal Schlein if you would like a game demonstration or walk through; please indicate the title you are interested in when you make your request. 

Regis Board Game Club

This is a source for playtesters, as well as a great place to familiarize yourself with numerous games and make friends.  Information about meeting dates and times will be updated when available.  2022-2023 meetings were held on Wednesday evenings in Walker's Pub.


Regis Student Center Board Game Collection

Housed in Walker's Pub (in the Student Center), this collection largely consists of social and party games.  It is available for use at any time the building is open.

Full Search


Alphabetical list of Subject, Course, and Topic guides.





Use Lumen Classic, the Regis Library catalog, to find books, electronic books, DVDs, and more.


Search for online access to journals, magazines, and newspapers using publications name (e.g. Harvard Business Review).

Suggested Topics

Interested in academic research about games?

Consider investigating the following areas:

Psychology (motivation, therapeutic uses)

Economic behavior modeling

Training Simulations / Educational Games

Game Theory / Game Mathematics

Gamification / Play-based design