Jesuitica Research Guide

Finding Books and e-books

Use our catalog, LumenPlus, to search for your keywords and material type to find what you need. For books and e-books, you can use All Filters -- Source Type -- Books and e-books.

If Regis does not have a resource you are looking for, you can use Prospector or Worldcat to search for the item, and use Inter-Library loan (ILL) to request it. More information on how to search Prospector and the ILL service here.

Books and e-books

Prospector Catalog

Use Prospector to search for and request items from Regis University or other regional libraries. When you identify an item you want in Prospector, click on the "Request this Item" link to have it sent to a Regis Colorado campus. You will need your Regis ID number to complete the request process.

Other Catalogs