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Chester Alter Professor Lectureship: Alter-ings

Introducing Alter-ings

When Allan Service asked me to be the Chester Alter professor for the present academic year, he wanted more than just a lecture.  He wanted (as do I) follow up conversation about the lecture that might extend throughout the 09/10 academic year.

I gave the lecture on Sept. 15 and it is available online through our library.  If you’re interested, just go to  It’s there in both written and video format, along with responses from Rueckert Hartman’s Deb Bennett-Woods and CPS’ Marcel Dumestre.  Several have told me that it’s easier to follow the argument in its written form.

Since the lecture I’ve had follow-up conversations with individuals and with Deans and program leaders in our three colleges.  An online workshop about the lecture, offered in the hope that it might better fit faculty schedules and be available for off campus faculty, did not draw much response – though another on a more practical topic about teaching is being scheduled.  I’ve also had a chance to work with CPS’ Ignatian Scholars program.

I remain both tasked with and very interested in further conversation about how our appropriately secular disciplines and professions should relate to Regis’ religious foundations.  Thus I am starting this “list serve” (perhaps “blog” might be better) I’m calling Alter-ings.  It’s sent to all faculty and academic staff in the university’s three schools.  Each issue will be relatively brief and will include and/or invite response.  Should you wish to respond (either personally or for publication in this blog) just reply to the e-mail that brings this to you.  And if you don’t wish to receive these Alter-ings, just say that in reply or e-mail Joan Carnegie ( and your name will be deleted from the mailing list.

Alter-ings #1

Is Tolerance Enough? Moving from C to D – Conversation to Dialogue

Alter-ings #2

Half Empty or Half Full? Adkins and Kane – A Further Exchange

This “issue” continues the exchange between myself and Dr. Karen Adkins (Associate Dean and Professor of Philosophy in RC). 

Alter-ings #3

“Faith Talk” at Regis – the Need and the Challenge