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Teaching Technologies: Techniques for the 21st Century: Program & Resources

Regis College Fall Faculty Conference October 8, 2010

Program and Resources


Podcasting and iTunes U: Acquiring and Publishing Supplemental Course Content
Dave Devine, Andy Dorfman; Library 112

The presentation will provide an overview of podcasting and the Regis University iTunesU site.  It will also look at public content now available from other institutions on Apple’s iTunesU store. Demonstrations include publishing content, using the Mac platform and the web-based PC platform.
Presentation Outline (.docx 16KB)
Electrifying Feedback
Lara Narcisi, Carol Rossini; Loyola 3

Do you hate the environment? If not, learn how to move towards a paperless classroom. We will discuss Turnitin (it’s not just for plagiarism anymore!) and show you the many wonders of a TabletPC. Yes, you, too can grade anywhere, anytime, without ever purchasing another red pen.
Turnitin Quickstart Guide (PDF 846 KB)

Angels and (Mailer) Demons
Rebecca Betjemann, Fred Gray, Trisha Litz; Loyola 6

This session introduces the Angel online course management system as an efficient online supplement to the traditional classroom. We will show examples of how you can use Angel to post readings, videos, and web links for students, collect discussion questions, give quizzes and assessments, and create a drop-box for online homework submissions.
Presentation handout (PDF 374 KB)

Browser Search Tools
Erin McCaffrey; Loyola 15 

Want to search the library catalog right from the search box in your browser?  Ever wonder when you’re searching if the library might already own the book…and then be able to check that right there?  This session will demonstrate tools you can easily install in your browser to facilitate your search experience.
Regis Library Browser Plug-ins and Toolbars

Videoohs and Ahhs! 3 Simple Online Video Tools for Educational Use
Paul Betty; Library 310 (Instruction Room)

The use of video in education can help accommodate the needs of auditory and visual learners. This program will introduce faculty to the use of Youtube playlists, Embedr, and the screencasting software Jing as teaching tools. Youtube and Embedr provide faculty with a means to create playlists using existing videos on the web and embed them in web and course pages. Jing allows the user to record actions and content on the user’s computer monitor as digital video, and distribute the video via the free hosting service that accompanies the software.
Screencast Software
Jing - free screencast software that also includes free video hosting from Techsmith.
Wink - free screencast software for PCs. Interface is similar to Microsoft Power Point. Does not include any hosting options for finished projects.
Embedding Tools
Embedr - Embedr is a free service that lets anyone create a custom playlist of videos from the top video sites on the web. Now start building that playlist of all videos you should have watched on the internet that are spread throughout YouTube, MySpace, Vimeo, DailyMotion and more. Check list of compatible video hosting sites.
YouTube 101: Creating Playlists - short video tutorial on using playlists in Youtube. 
Embed YouTube Video into PowerPoint 2007 short video tutorial on embedding Youtube videos in MS Power Point 2007. 
Video Repositories
Youtube EDU* - educational videos produced by students, faculty, and staff at various higher education institutes. 
Academic Earth* - creative commons licensed intructional videos and lectures produced by faculty from a number of notable US higher education institutes.
TED - "Riveting talks by remarkable people, free to the world" - emphasis is on K-12 educational videos
Internet Archive Moving Image collection - creative commons licensed and public domain works from a variety of sources including Fedflix (films and documentaries produced by US govt. agencies), the Prelinger Archives (advertising, educational, industrial, and amateur films), and the News and Archives collection (news and public affairs independent from traditional corporate media is available from this diverse video library).
* compatible with Embedr
25 Best sites for Free Educational Videos "With the exception of BrainPOP and Cosmeo, all listed sites offer their extensive video libraries for free and without registration."
Educational Video: Top Cultural & Educational Video sites - "Looking for great cultural and educational video? Then you’ve come to the right place...we have compiled a list of 46 sites that feature intelligent videos."

The Potency of PowerPoint
Scott Dimovitz, Cath Kleier, Doreen Watson; Loyola 3

This session explores methods of incorporating slides without sliding into boredom. Presenters demonstrate innovative uses of PowerPoint for any discipline—sciences, social sciences, and even the humanities.

RSS, Email Alerts, and Feed Readers: Oh My!
Martin Garnar, Jan Loechell Turner; Library 310

Looking for ways to stay on top of your research interests?  Learn how to set up saved searches, email alerts, and RSS feeds to keep you in the loop.  Don't know what RSS is?  Fear not!  You'll also learn about RSS feed readers that can combine your research alerts with news items and blog updates for a personalized information center.
Presentation handout Presentation handout (MS Word - 3.1 MB)

C.A.T. Concierge: Navigating the Technology Landscape
Danielle Forte; Loyola 15

The Center for Academic Technology (C.A.T.) exists to provide technological support to all Regis University faculty. Technology for teaching and learning changes quickly and we’re here to keep you up-to-date on the tools you’ll need to stay on the cutting edge.
C.A.T. Brochure (PDF 585 KB)

Steering with a RUDR: Regis University Digital Repository
Diana Sweany, Eamon Smallwood; Loyola 6

RUDR is a web-based searchable repository that collects, preserves, and provides access to digitized scholarly works of the Regis University academic community. RUDR is part of a consortial digital repository service developed with the Colorado Alliance of Research Libraries. Come find out what RUDR can do for you and take a virtual tour with us.
Presentation handout (MS Word - 42 KB)
Surf in the Archives (Don’t Drown!): Tour the Archives/Special Collections
Elizabeth Cook; Library 401

What IS in the Archives? and why would you care? Come for an onsite introduction to the collections, their websites, and ways to access and search them online. Courses that have incorporated special collections into their curriculum include Art History, Religious Studies, English, Sociology, American History, Music, Honors classes, and the Commitment Program.
Presentation handout (MS Word - 34 KB)