Family History & Genealogy Resources

This guide will point you to both the free and subscription resources available online.

What is Genetic Genealogy

Genetic genealogy is the use of DNA testing in combination with traditional genealogical and historical records. Genetic genealogy involves the use of genealogical DNA testing together with documentary evidence to infer the relationship between individuals.

See the International Society of Genetic Genealogy for more information

DNA 101

The DNA Companies

These are some of the top companies providing DNA analysis.They all provide autosomal testing and some provide mtDNA and Y-DNA testing.  Do your research before selecting the right test for you and your family.

23 & Me

•ethnicity & health

Ancestry DNA


My Heritage

•ethnicity & health

Family Tree DNA


Living DNA


The Resources

These are some of the top people and organizations in the field of Genetic Genealogy:

Blaine Bettinger, FB group Genetic Genealogy Tips & Techniques

Diane Southard, Your DNA Guide

Roberta Estes, DNAeXplained

Cece Moore, DNA Detective

International Society of Genetic Genealogy (ISOGG)