Armand William Forstall, S.J. Papers

Armand William Forstall, S.J. Papers

 Fr. A.W. Forstall in his lab at Regis College. The Wiechert seismograph is in the background.

Historical Note

   The papers of Father Armand William Forstall, S.J. contain only a small amount of personal information about his family, childhood, and friends. Instead, the materials in this collection largely concern his academic life as both a student and as a teacher. There is also information about the assaying work he did in Colorado, and the correspondence he received from seismographic stations around the world detailing their measurements. There is correspondence about a patent to handle fabric, and the equations he supplied the Keuffel and Esser Company which enabled them to manufacture a log log slide rule in 1908. The collection includes many of his academic notebooks which he created during his schooling, as well as those he created while teaching mathematics, chemistry, and physics.

   Some of his notebooks, photographs, letters, and memorabilia refer to his life in Europe and the early days of teaching in New Mexico, Massachusetts and Washington, D.C. The bulk of the collection, however, comes from 1904 – 1948 when he lived in Denver, CO. These notebooks are written in English, as are the newspaper clippings about his work, and the scientific articles on engineering devices that Fr. Forstall collected.

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