
A quick guide to electronic and course reserves.

About this Page

All digital course materials are now managed by faculty through WorldClass.  The library can help faculty scan portions of print materials to be uploaded into WorldClass. All library-produced scans are searchable PDFs.  

Faculty are responsible for ensuring course materials meet accessibility standards and comply with copyright.  For support with this, please visit our copyright guide or reach out to the bibliographer assigned to your subject area.  

Scans will be shared with faculty within 5 business days.  Please allow more time for processing during the first two weeks of the semester. 

Please use the form below to request scans.  Please note that the library will only reproduce portions of print works owned by the instructor or held in the library's collection.  Please contact the bibliographer for your subject area if you would like to request a purchase for the collection.  

Digitization Request Form - Course Materials