Erich Katz Collection

Erich Katz Chronology

Erich Katz Collection


1900 - Born July 1st, 1900 in Germany

1907 - Family moved from a small town to Berlin, Germany

1918 - After turning 18, Katz attended 8 weeks of basic training as a soldier just before the WWI Armistice was signed. 

1918-1921 - After one semester of Engineering studies Katz began studying music in Berlin, Germany.

1921 - Katz began studying Musicological Seminary in Freiburg

1926 - Katz received his Ph. D in Musicology

1926-1939 - Katz worked as a music teacher and organist in Freiburg. He then founded the Freiburg Music Seminary.

1926 - Katz married Adelheid Soltau with which he had three children, Hannah, Klaus, and a child that died in infancy. Katz and Soltau separated before he left Germany.

1936 - Katz received the International Hausermann Composition Prize in Zurich, Switzerland

1939 - Katz immigrated to England, two weeks before WWII began

1940 - Katz married Hannah Labus, M.D. and was released from internment to teach  music to children in Shropshire

1943 - Katz immigrated to New York City

1944 - 1959 - Katz worked as a teacher at the New York college of Music, City College of New York, and New School. Katz became the chairman of the composition department.

1959 - Katz moved to Santa Barbara, California

1973 - Katz died on July 30th, 1973