Gubitosi-Tabor Collection
Scope and Content
The Gubitosi-Tabor Collection is composed of three series; legal documents, correspondence, and clippings. The dates of the original materials range from 1880 to 1909, and the clippings range between 1930 and 1984. Items within the collection include stock certificates, ledger sheets, recorded deeds, monetary notes, warranty deeds, receipts, a court filing by Thomas L. Wiswall, claim papers, patents, and a mining deed.
Series Listing and Description
Series 1 – Legal Documents – 1880-1909
Series 1 is composed of 21 folders which contain legal documents including stock certificates, ledger sheets, receipts, warranty deeds, and monetary notes. Other notable items within this series include a court filing against HAW Tabor by Thomas L. Wiswall, record of interest and royalty payments to Sacred Heart Church, and claim papers related to the Rambler Lode Mine.
Series 2 – Correspondence – 1892-1901
Series 2 is composed of 8 folders that contain a variety of correspondence regarding the Tabors and their estate.
Series 3 – Clippings – 1923-1984
Series 3 contains clippings regarding the Tabors, and the obituary of Fr. F.X. Gubitosi, S.J.