COM 250 Speaking to Make a Difference

A guide to library research for speech preparation

Searching for articles

Depending on your topic, there are a variety of resources from which to choose.  Most everyone will be able to find something using our general search tool, LumenPlus, but others may want to use the more specialized resources listed below.  If you have a topic focused on Denver or another location, you may want to skip to the next box and learn about LexisNexis Academic.

Search the News

Nexis Uni is our best source for news articles.

Google Scholar

Tell Google you're affiliated with Regis and you'll be linked to resources in our library.

  • Click on Settings.
  • Type "Regis University" in the 'Library Links' section and select "Regis University - Full Text @ My Library."
  • Click Save.

Google Scholar


Article Quick Links

Full Text Finder

If the full text of an article isn't available from the database you're searching, click on the Full Text Finder link that appears below the citation or abstract to see if it is available elsewhere. A new tab or window will open when you click the Full Text Finder link, and all linked options for accessing the full-text document will be listed. Links on this page are formatted to prompt the Regis login for subscription access.  Options may include:  

  • documents Check for full text at the publisher's site: this link will direct the user to the publisher's Web site while passing through our institutional subscription.
  • lightbulb Find this article in full text from EBSCOhost SmartLinks+: this link will connect the user to the resource in our library system that provides full-text.
  • documents Find this article in full text from [database name]: this link will connect the user to a specific database in our system that provides access to the full-text document.  
  • 2 libraries  Request this item through interlibrary loan: if no other options are presented, the user can request a digital copy of the article using the interlibrary loan system