What is eBooks on EBSCOhost?
eBooks on EBSCOhost is a platform that provides access to full-text, scholarly ebooks covering a broad range of academic subject areas and topics. eBooks on EBSCOhost includes thousands of full-text titles, many from university presses, plus classic titles from Project Gutenberg.
How can I access eBooks on EBSCOhost?
EBSCOhost ebooks are found in Regis University Library's online catalog, Lumen, or via the the eBooks on EBSCOhost link in the A-Z Database List. Most ebooks in this collection may be viewed or "checked out" by one person at a time. Thirty minutes after a book is closed or "checked in" another user can access it.
May I print or download an EBSCOhost ebook?
EBSCOhost allows you to print up to 60 pages per ebook.
Some titles are available for download. To download an ebook:
How do I check an eBook back in??
There are instructions from EBSCOhost to do check an ebook back in.
Is there a way to keep track of books or chapters I use frequently?
Yes. Once you've signed into your EBSCOhost account, you can add ebooks to your folder, make annotations, or set bookmarks.
Does eBooks on EBSCOhost have a citation tool?
Yes. Use the Cite link on the Tools menu. Be aware that the EBSCOhost citations are created by a computer, and may have errors.
Can I read EBSCOhost ebooks on my mobile device?
Yes. You will need to download Adobe Digital Editions and Bluefire Reading App.
Instructions for Android devices: http://support.ebsco.com/knowledge_base/detail.php?id=5738.
Instructions for Apple devices: http://support.ebsco.com/knowledge_base/detail.php?id=5706.
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