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How to do Library Research

This guide was co-created by the Research & Instruction Department and the Research & Instruction Librarian Intern, Allyson Turner.

How to get research help

Research help is available through chat, phone, Zoom, email, and in person.

Research help is available through chat, phone, Zoom, email, and in person.

  • To chat with a librarian, type a question in the Ask a Librarian chat box. Chat is accessible from the library website and is available 24/7 except most federal holidays.

  • To get research help by phone, call the Research Help desk at 303-458-4031 or 1-800-388-2366 x4031. The Research Help desk phone is staffed during regular business hours.

  • To schedule a Zoom or in person meeting with a librarian, fill out the research consultation form. Librarians are generally available to meet during regular business hours, but if you cannot meet during regular business hours, please email

  • To get research help by email, send questions to the Research Help desk at The Research Help desk email is staffed during regular business hours.

  • For walk-in research help, please visit the Circulation desk on the 2nd (main) floor. and ask for a librarian.

Schedule a meeting with a librarian

Need more personalized help with a research project? Fill out our Research Consultation form to schedule an appointment. Librarians can assist you in person, via telephone, or online via Zoom web conference.

Research consultations are highly recommended for more complex information needs. If you have no idea were to begin your research or if you have started your research but feel as if you have hit a dead end, scheduling a 30 or 60 minute research consultation with a Research & Instruction Librarian is a great way to identify appropriate search strategies and find more resources for your topic. Let us know what materials you have found or what search tools you have already used, and we can help you take your research to the next level. During the research consultation, a Research & Instruction Librarian will help you identify additional relevant search keywords and subject headings, recommend additional databases, digital repositories, and search engines to use for the topic, and help you leverage the materials you have already identified using different pearl growing strategies. We recommend students look at the course syllabus and assignment, and schedule a consultation in advance of any deadlines so that you can utilize all of the services and means of access to information available to you.

Our scheduler lists the areas of subject specialization for each of the available librarians, but please note any of the Research & Instruction Librarians below can assist with your research topic regardless of subject. More importantly, select the type (in-person, telephone, or Zoom), length of consultation (30 or 60 minutes) and a date and time that works best for you,

How to ask a librarian for research help?

If you feel overwhelmed by the library and its resources, know that you are not alone! You may be experiencing library anxiety (Nunes, 2016). Below are some scripts you can use if you need research help but feel anxious about how to ask:

If you need help... You can ask...
figuring out your research topic How do I form a research topic for my [assignment, paper, project, etc.]?
beginning your research I'm researching [your topic]. Where should I begin? What database is best for my topic?
continuing your research I've run into a roadblock in my research on [your topic]. Can you help me find other places to search?
determining if a resource fits your research topic I found a(n) [article, website, book, etc.]. Does it fit my research on [your topic]? How can I tell if a source is right for my research?
synthesizing your resources I've found some resources on [your topic]. How can I synthesize them together?
with a technical issue Can you help me access [resource]? Why am I not able to access [resource]?