Regis University Archives and Special Collections

The Archives and Special Collections are open to all researchers and the Regis community.

Archives: Institutional Records


Main Hall, 1908

The Archives contain historical records of Regis University. First begun by the Jesuits as Las Vegas College, NM in 1877, that institution remained in New Mexico until 1887. Meanwhile, an additional college, The College of the Sacred Heart was opened in Morrison, CO. in 1884. When land was donated on the trolley line in Denver, the college moved to its present site in 1887. In 1921, the name was changed to Regis College, and in 1992 it became Regis University. Records of the Jesuits and early Catholic presence in New Mexico and Colorado are also included in the Archives. 


Loretto Heights Academy, constuction of the Administration Building, 1890 

   In November 1891, nineteen Sisters of Loretto at the Foot of the Cross and fifty-one students move into the Administration Building, of the new Loretto Heights Academy, an elementary and secondary school for girls.   In 1918, college course were added  though the school continued  its secondary courses until 1941.   The  name became Loretto Heights College in 1947. It was the only  women's college in the Rocky mountain area until 1960.

  A degree was awarded in Nursing Education in 1936, which became a four-year degree in 1956. University Without Walls began in 1971 as an innovative degree program for non-traditional students. From 1970 - 1988, the school became co-educational. University Without Walls began in 1971 as an innovative degree program for non-traditional students. Loretto Heights College closed in 1988, and merged with  Regis University. The Archives of Loretto Heights College are housed at Regis University

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Archives staff are located in DML 104.

All archives and collections are non-circulating and are accessible by appointment only. 

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